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Kefir ~ Superfood or Latest Trend

Yesterday I attended a Kefir making workshop. If you're not sure what the heck kefir is, stay with me! Kefir is a fermented drink made with dairy, almond, soy, rice or coconut milk. The word is derived from the Turkish word keyif which means feel good. That is what you're told you feel if you drink this magic elixir!  We began the workshop with a taste of some kefir our instructor had made earlier. I am already a vegetarian and am toying with the idea of going vegan so as you can imagine, as she came closer to me with the jug of milky liquid, I felt a bit strange and unsure. She told us that kefir is often referred to as 'the...

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Brands that have inspired me ~ Part 2

  They say the admitting you have a problem is the first step. If that's the case then I'm in full admission swing! Here I go with Part Deux of the brands that I love. In the Summer of 2013, I found constant references were being made to a new shop called Shutterbug. Shutterbug was based in Kilkenny and was the brainchild of Blanaid Hennessy. If you Google her, you'll see why I have a slight obsession with her! It stocked mainly vintage items at the time. Their range of quirky yet wearable clothes (which often, vintage stores don't have) were sold at a price that I was able to afford. I harassed my mother long enough for her to...

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Brands that have inspired me ~ Part 1

  I am someone who cannot flick through an online shop without buying something! I am a master of negotiating with myself and everyone around me. I am queen at giving myself 10 good reasons to buy something! I will trade money, time and services (WITH MYSELF!) in my mind so I can justify the purchase. I then emerge from my room, red faced and flustered as if I've been up to something naughty (which I have been I suppose!).  Although I am susceptible to the charms of most stores, there are those that hold a particular grasp on me and my purse strings... 1. WOW. Run by two sisters, Spell & the Gypsy Collective has held my heart for years. One...

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The Temple Wolf ~ from conception to birth!

  If you're reading this, then I thank you for visiting my store! The Temple Wolf (or the concept before it was given a name!) has been an idea whirring around my mind for the last 10 years. After several years living abroad, I decided that when I settled back home, I would give it a go.* I initially had the plan to open an real life shop. After advice from friends and family however, I realised that that was not a viable option for me and there were far too many risks associated with it, many of which I couldn't even afford.  After meeting with a web designer, I felt excited but also nervous and overwhelmed. There was a...

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