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Going Vegetarian

I'm sick this week. I've missed two days of work.  Why am I beginning a 'going vegetarian' blog with this information you might ask? Those of you who are vegetarian (or even more so, if you are vegan!) might already have twigged the connection. I feel pressure (even if it just pressure I put on myself) to be the constant picture of health. At the gym, and I know my boyfriend will roll his eyes when he reads this, I push myself extra hard to lift that extra weight or do the 50th (oh yeh, it's definitely 50 I do every time...) sit up, even when I'm at breaking point. As a vegetarian you are up against the constant question...

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Kefir ~ Superfood or Latest Trend

Yesterday I attended a Kefir making workshop. If you're not sure what the heck kefir is, stay with me! Kefir is a fermented drink made with dairy, almond, soy, rice or coconut milk. The word is derived from the Turkish word keyif which means feel good. That is what you're told you feel if you drink this magic elixir!  We began the workshop with a taste of some kefir our instructor had made earlier. I am already a vegetarian and am toying with the idea of going vegan so as you can imagine, as she came closer to me with the jug of milky liquid, I felt a bit strange and unsure. She told us that kefir is often referred to as 'the...

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