Bath ritual time

I'm not one for making lists and lists of resolutions for the new year. (I've learned from experience that this does not work for me!) I do however, like to greet the new year with mindfulness and intention as we enter into another year's cycle.

Think of the cyclical nature of our world. 

  • The rotation of the Earth
  • The cycle of the 4 seasons: new life in spring, vibrant growth in summer, winding down in autumn and the resting, hibernating period of winter
  • The moon cycle
  • The menstrual cycle

We are made to ebb and flow through these cycles, our energy levels changing as we flow. As we begin the new year, we enter into a new cycle. It's important to take some time to greet this new period.

Selenite, sage, palo santo ritual set The Temple Wolf

One of my January rituals is to cleanse my working and sleeping spaces using  smoke cleansing and a selenite wand. I'm using the Selenite Ritual Set from

Evidence suggests that burning natural substances to cleanse a person or space is a practice that has been used all over the world throughout the ages. The Native Americans use the process of sage smoking (smudging) in their important rituals. The Roman Catholic church, to this day, practise a burning ritual during mass. Incense is burned in Buddhist temples around the world.

At its essence is the idea that fire and smoke cleanse, purify and protect.

Burning sage smudging

Step by Step 

1. Spend some time thinking about your intentions. What do you want from this practice? For example: You might want to clear your bedroom of stagnant energies and invite restful, calming energies in. You might want to rid your office of negative, lethargic feelings and welcome in creative and inspiring vibes.

2. Plan your route through the space in your head.

3. Open the windows and doors. This not only allows the smoke out, but lets the bacteria and negative energy to leave too.

4. Light one end of the sage or Palo Santo. Allow the flame to burn until the top is lit and then gently blow it out. You will be left with the lit embers. This is what will create the beautiful cleansing smoke. (Palo Santo will not burn as long as the sage and will most likely need to be re-lit during the ritual.)

5. Slowly walk through the intended space. You may wish to speak your intentions out loud. As whacko as it sounds you may even want to hum or sing a song. I love making a really deep humming noise. That feeling of resonation in my head and chest intensifies the process for me. (It's at this stage that my husband slams the door of the room he's escaped to...) Gently move your sage/Palo Santo around the room making sure to reach the corners.

6. Once you've finished working in your desired space, you can extinguish the sage/Palo Santo by dipping it into some sand or holding it under a running tap. I like to express gratitude to it as I'm extinguishing it. Thank the planet for gifting us these beautiful, natural tools. You will get many uses out of both.

7. If you wish to continue with your cleansing ritual, now is the time to reach for your selenite wand. Starting at the top of your head (your crown chakra), work your way around and down your body following the natural curves. Using the selenite wand in this way is said to clear, or cut any negative energies away from the body. Imagine your body recharging as you glide over it.

Selenite, sage, palo santo ritual set The Temple Wolf

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and have found it useful. Visit to have a look at the ritual set or some of the other beautiful products. I'm always available to chat on Instagram @thetemplewolf

Lots of Love,





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